Everything is {{Energy}} inside this Matrix
- Since Numbers are {{Energy}}
- Each Day, Month, & Year will have a stronger {{Energy}} connected to it
Like I mentioned before, The Elite waited until "2020" to start their "Corona Pandemic
- This is because the #22 is the Master's Builders/Destroyers Number and they are using the Power of the #22 {{Energy}}
Now that we are in the (2020's) the #22 {{Energy}} will be stronger now for the next decade (until 2030)
- (2)0(2)0 - (#22)
- Notice the "2's" next to each other in the year. (2)0(2)0 "22"
- Everything created with the #22 {{Energy}} will have a stronger presents inside the Matrix Simulation for the next 9 years
People, Locations, Businesses (Everything) that is created by and Connected to #22 {{Energy}} will be stronger now
- Remember: (V) = 22
- Think of the (Year) inside the Matrix System as a "Lock" or a Matrix "Speedometer"
This Matrix (Lock/Speedometer) - "Unlocks" the Number {{Energy}} for the year
Each year has different Numbers & "Unlocks" different {{Energy}}
- EXAMPLE: 2020's "Speedometer" Unlocked
- #2, #20, #11 and #22 {{Energy}}
- Everything created by this {{Energy}} was more present in the Matrix system in 2020
- B= 2 T=20 V=22 (K=11)
**The Initials of a Word/Name are KEY indicators of its connected {{Energy}} INSIDE THIS MATRIX
Before I said:
- "(B)=2 (T)=20 (K)=11" - "Will have stronger {{Energy}} in "2020"
Before I said:
- "(B)=2 (T)=20 (K)=11"
- Will have stronger {{Energy}} in "2020"
What happened in 2020?
- PRESIDENT ELECTION: "B" (B)iden vs "T" (T)rump vs "K" (K)anye
- And who was picked for Biden's VP?
- "K" (K)amala Harris
- "B" "T" "K"
Now let's take a look at SPORTS and what happened in "2020:"
- REMEMBER: "B" and "T" had stronger {{Energy}}
Do you remember
Who won the NHL Stanley Cup?
- It was "T" B" (T)ampa (B)ay
- And what about in the MLB?
- What team played in the World Series?
- Again, it was "T" "B" (T)ampa (B)ay
- And for the "2020" Season..
- Where was the NFL Super Bowl located?
- It was in (T)ampa (B)ay
- And who won that Super Bowl?
- That's right, (T)ampa (B)ay won
Now do you remember who played in the Super Bowl for (T)ampa (B)ay?
- It was "(T)om (B)rady"
- "20(2)0"
- "T" and "B" has stronger {{Energy}}
- That is why (T)ampa (B)ay" was everywhere..
Oh, And One More Thing in 2020..
- Who moved to (T)exas?
- "(T)esla" did..
- "(T)esla" to "(T)exas" in "(20)""(20)"
There's no such thing as "Coincidence"
- Only Programming
The more you pay attention the more you will start to see the Simulation
Now let's take a small look at 2021's {{Energy}}
- 2021's..
- Matrix "Lock/Speedometer" Unlocked:
- #2 #20 #11 #21 #12 & (#23) {{Energy}}
** #23 is hidden inside "20(2+1)=3 **
-B=2 T=20 K=11 U=21 L=12 #23=W
- These all had stronger {{Energy}} in 2021
Let's look at some examples of the {{Energy}} in 2021:
- (U) = 21
- (U) = (U)nemployment & talks of (U).B.I. (Universal Basic Income) in "2021"
(U) = 21
- 20(21): = (U)ltra Phones + (U)FO's
- (U)ganda banned Facebook & Twitter
- (L) = 12
- (L)edger Hacks, (L)awsuits, (L)ibra & (L)osses $$
+ The Rookie: (L)aMelo (B)all was all the talk of the NBA (in 2021)
- (L) = 12
- (T)om (B)rady is (#12) and won the Super Bowl in (21)
- 20(3)
- (23) = W
I said in 2021 a lot of {{Energy}} would be on:
- "(W)omen (W)ATER & (W)ar"
- Do you remember how many "(W)ater" events we had in 2021?
- "(W)atch the (W)ater"
+ Don't forget the (W)allstreet (B)ets incident also happened in 2021
- 20(3)
- #23
- (B)=2 (C)=3
- 20(21): Everyone was talking about:
- "(B)it(C)oin" & "(B)lock(C)hain" technology
Each Year (ALSO) has a "Universal" {{Energy}} Number
(add all the numbers in the year together)
- 2021 = 2+0+2+1 = 5
- The #5 {{Energy}} was also stronger and more present inside the Matrix in 2021
- (E) = 5
2021 = 5
- (E) = 5
- Before I said 2021 would be a year full of:
- "(E)arthquakes - (E)nergy - (E)thereum & (E)conomy" in 2021
I Said "(E)xtreme (W)eather" in 2021
- I Said "(E)MP's in 2021
-- I Said "(E)nergy (W)eapons" in 2021
Are you starting to understand & can (SEE) the Matrix Simulation?
p.s. I will be posting more about this with more examples in the future